Louis Vuitton was a designer and founder of the French fashion house that makes handbags in several styles. One popular Louis Vuitton style is the Speedy handbag. However, many "authentic" Louis Vuitton bags are actually made by counterfeiters. By checking out a few specific things before you buy, you can be sure your Louis Vuitton handbag is the real deal. Does this Spark an idea?
1. Ask the price of the handbag. If the seller asks $300 or less for a new bag, it's probably a knock-off. A "Louis Vuitton" bag for sale at an auction or on eBay for less than $100 is probably fake. A real Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 retails for more than $2,000.
2. Find out if the trim is leather. If the trim is not leather, the bag is not authentic. Even if you determine that the trim is leather, the bag might still be fake if the leather on the bag's handle is a different color from that on the rest of the trim.
3. Inspect the bag's seams and monogram. Seams on LV Speedy knock-offs are usually poorly sewn, frayed or uneven. Authentic Louis Vuitton handbags feature stitching that holds securely for years. Also, a monogram that's lopsided, incorrectly placed or nonexistent is an indication that the bag is fake.
4. Ask to see the bag's date code number. Every Louis Vuitton Speedy handbag should come with a date code. If the seller seems reluctant to provide this or cannot provide this, it's a good bet the handbag is not authentic.
5. Inquire about the seller's return policy. If the seller doesn't allow returns, most likely the bag is a fake. "Louis Vuitton" bags sold by street vendors are phony.
6. Look at the dust cover. If it has rounded edges, it's a fake. All new Louis Vuitton Speedy bags come with dust covers, so a bag without a dust cover is not authentic.
Tags: Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton Speedy, Vuitton Speedy, trim leather, come with