Thursday, September 26, 2013

Precautions After Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a common, safe procedure in which the lens of the eye is removed and replaced with an artificial lens. This is performed when the natural lens is clouded and decreases visual acuity significantly, a condition called cataracts. Certain precautions should be taken following surgery to ensure a healthy and full recovery.

Right after Surgery

After the new lens is placed in, your physician will likely place several drops of an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic drops to prevent swelling and infection. For several hours you may feel slight stinging or itchiness in the eyes; as tempting as it is, try to avoid touching or rubbing your eyes. Activities should be fairly limited for 24 hours following surgery. In particular, you should not operate a vehicle for 24 hours. Simple activities such as reading and watching TV are fine.

A week later

After one week, full activity can be resumed. This includes heavy lifting and sexual activity. You may need to see an optometrist to be fitted for new glasses, as your previous prescription now may be inaccurate.


Very rarely, a patient will begin to develop secondary cataracts on the membrane behind the artificial lens. If you experience this or any other complication with your vision, see your physician immediately.

Tags: artificial lens, following surgery, your physician