Thursday, September 5, 2013

Binaural Learning

Regular exposure to binaural beats can increase learning abilities.

Binaural hearing occurs when two different frequencies are played on opposite sides of headphones, creating a different tone when processed simultaneously in the human brain. Binaural beats are known to effect brain wave patterns and can assist in brain development.

The Science

Binaural tones stimulate both hemispheres of the brain at the same frequency, maximizing brain potential and inducing active brain waves. Scientists have found that low frequency binaural beats increase learning dramatically by increasing alpha brain waves.

Introduction to the Classroom

Students who learned while in an alpha brain wave state retained five times more information than normal, according to a study by psychiatrist Georgi Lozanov. Binaural frequencies, when used in the classroom, help improve overall attention and enthusiasm for learning.

Why it Works

Some scientists believe binaural frequencies stimulate the brain to produce neurochemicals associated with increased creativity, learning and memory. Certain frequencies in the brain dramatically speed up the efficiency of a variety of neurotransmitters.

Tags: alpha brain, beats increase, beats increase learning, binaural beats, binaural beats increase