Friday, April 12, 2013

Reduce Breast Fat In Men

Male breast fat, known medically as gynecomastia, is a common occurrence in overweight men. Breast fat can also be caused by a shift in hormonal balance. Such a shift reduces the amount of testosterone in the body and increases the amount of estrogen. Many who have breast fat find it particularly stubborn and difficult to get rid of, but luckily, there are many ways to eliminate it and transform your chest to a flat and firm tone.



1. Include plenty of cardiovascular exercise in your daily routine, as it will burn fat in your chest and all around your body. Cardio is also effective at boosting metabolism, which allows the body to burn fat significantly faster. Accordingly, make a 45- to 60-minute walk or jog part of your daily routine.

2. Eliminate fatty and sugary foods from your diet, as they promote stubborn body fat and overall poor health. Replace unhealthy foods with healthy fruits and vegetables. Eliminate junk food and nourish your body with vitamin-rich foods to ensure that your breast fat does not increase and that your body is burning fat as quickly as possible.

3. Utilize strength training exercises that focus on exercising your pectoral muscles, such as inclined push-ups and bench and chest presses. Perform these pectoral exercises two to three times weekly for the best results. Consult bodybuilding magazines or speak with a personal trainer to learn which chest exercises and workout regimen are right for you.

4. Incorporate a cup or two of green tea into your daily diet. Studies show that drinking green tea regularly helps people burn weight faster than those who don't drink it, as the tea speeds up metabolism.

5. Take zinc supplements daily to help regulate testosterone levels. This helps strengthen the enzymes that are necessary for a well-balanced testosterone level. You can find zinc supplements at most vitamin stores. It can be taken in capsule or powder form.

6. Consider surgery to reduce breast fat. Gynecomastia surgery has become popular. A surgeon makes an incision and uses liposuction to remove the excess fat from within the chest. Gynecomastia surgery is a fast and safe way to remove breast fat, but it is not meant for everyone. Speak with a doctor to see if you are a candidate for such a surgery.

Tags: your body, your daily, daily routine, Gynecomastia surgery, that your, your chest