Monday, November 5, 2012

What Are Drug Treatments For Heel Spurs

Heel spurs are a painful condition that many Americans suffer with each day. The sharp, shooting pain they create causes some people to stay sedentary because walking exacerbates the condition.

Heel Spurs states, "the spur itself does not cause pain. Causes of heel pain include inadequate flexibility in the calf muscles, lack of arch support, being overweight, suddenly increasing activity, and spending too much time on the feet."


Although pain is felt in the heel, most patients have spurs in the bottom front of their foot.

Ibuprofen Cream

According to, ibuprofen cream can be applied topically to the affected area and will help alleviate pain.

Cortisone Injections

Cortisone can be injected into the affected area and also helps alleviate pain.


The best way to treat heel spurs may not be with drugs but with splints specially designed for spurs as well as with heat and ice.

Tags: affected area, alleviate pain