Monday, July 4, 2011

Sunday School Teacher Gifts

Sunday school can be an essential part of a family's practice of instilling values in their children. A Sunday school teacher's work in helping shape your child's understanding of faith can be quite an honor and responsibility. To show your appreciation for a Sunday school teacher who dedicates his or her time to your child, try a few thoughtful and faith-inspired gifts to say thank you for all that is done.

Sunday School Songs

One of the best ways to show your appreciation for your child's Sunday school teacher is to provide him or her with classroom materials that can be used. Depending on the class's age, the gifts can vary. One classroom gift that is sure to be continuously used is a collection of music. Sunday school songs and rhymes are often used to teach children different Bible stories and lessons. Barnes & Noble carries a selection of CDs, including "Sunday School Favorites" and "Sunday School Songs," that can be played for memorization or as soothing background music while students work on different projects.

Sunday School Charms

If the Sunday school teacher enjoys fine jewelry, she is sure to enjoy a Thomas Kinkade Faith and Family religious-charm bracelet. Collectibles Today offers a beautiful charm bracelet that includes hand-crafted charms that represent different symbols of faith. Among the charms are ones that give a message of peace, faith and hope. Each charm is 24-karat gold and includes a cut diamond. This is an exquisite accessory for any Sunday school teacher to wear on Sundays to service and during instruction time.

Personalized Bible

Being a Sunday school teacher clearly means that practicing faith is a top priority. To support this and show continuous gratitude toward your Sunday school teacher, an ideal gift option is a personalized Bible that can be carried to service and even used to aid in teaching lessons to the children. offers a Bible that can be engraved with family names or a single name and can even act as an heirloom over the years.

Tags: school teacher, Sunday school, Sunday school teacher, Sunday school, Sunday school teacher, your child