Friday, July 1, 2011

Online Radiography Schools

A degree in radiography makes you available to various job positions within the radiography, also referred to as radiology, field; these include becoming a radiological assistant, radiologic technologist, or a radiologic nurse. If you are seeking a degree in radiography but are too busy to attend school on-campus, there are online programs available for degrees in radiography that are perfect for the busy or working student.

Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences

The Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences (FHCHS) offers an online program to obtain a Bachelor of Science Degree in Radiologic Sciences. The FHCHS is fully accredited and the degree program is recognized by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). Tuition rates are adjusted annually; as of February 2010, tuition is $290 per credit hour. All work is completed online whether you are at home or on vacation; you also have the ability to play all of the course lectures online as many times as you need to. There is a syllabus to follow for each class, but you make up your own schedule and can go as fast or as slow as you want to. You also have access to an online lounge where you can interact with other students as well as your professors. Although it is not required, when you have completed the coursework for your degree, you will be invited for a graduation ceremony and will receive a cap and gown.

Grand Canyon University

Grand Canyon University (GCU) is a private, non-denominational Christian university in Arizona that is regionally accredited and offers an online program to obtain your Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging Sciences; tuition, as of February 2010, is $415 per credit. GCU has a structure in place called Angel technology which is where you have a consistent format for every class. You will need to review the Angel tutorial which will familiarize you with the online structure. Your account will hold all of the information that you will need which includes staff information, discussion boards, your course syllabus and a digital drop box. Even though you can complete your work in your own time and at your own pace, you can expect to spend 10 to 12 hours each week online. You are also expected to log in an average of at least four times per week as well as meet interaction requirements and assignment deadlines.

Saint Joseph's College of Maine

Saint Joseph's College of Maine offers a Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Science; as of February 2010, the online tuition is $275 per credit. Although you may complete this degree in its entirety online in your own time and space, there are optional two week sessions in the summer that you may attend to accelerate your degree. The courses are designed to allow you to use the information that you learn immediately at your workplace because of the professional work experience that is mixed in with the coursework. The faculty has real-work practical experiences in health and radiological science administration and work one on one with the students.

Tags: Bachelor Science, February 2010, also have, Canyon University, College Health