Friday, July 22, 2011

Gifts For People With Cancer

Cancer patients are in need of motivational and inspirational gifts.

Cancer patients face an overwhelming challenge and an uncertain future. Inspire, encourage and show your support of a friend fighting cancer with a sentimental and unique gift that reminds your friend of how special she is. Gifts for cancer patients can be simple while still communicating a powerful message. Most importantly, select a gift that reflects your true feelings, hopes and prayers for your friend.

Audio Books

Undergoing treatment for cancer can often lead to days of dealing with sickness and sleepiness. Sometimes reading a book is too tiresome. In the event that this happens to your friend, help her pass the time in a hospital bed and avoid overexerting herself with a collection of bestseller and classic audio books. These are great cancer patient gifts because you can hand select the audio books and tweak her "bookshelf" to her personal literature preferences.

New Pajamas

It is difficult enough having to spend so much time in a hospital, but having to wear a hospital gown all the time makes fighting cancer more difficult and sometimes more discouraging. Help your friend feel more comfortable at home and even beautiful with a new pair of soft pajamas. Pick a color and fabric that she would like. Throw in a soft pair of "bedroom slippers" to pad around in in her hospital room.

Yoga and Massage Gift Certificates

Help your friend feel healthier and rejuvenated with gift certificates for yoga classes and/or a massage. Yoga provides intense relaxation and will help your friend feel healthy and rested. Massages will also aid in relaxing and resting in the midst of treatments that stress the body and the discouragement that cancer brings.

Affirming Words

Share words of encouragement any time you can and through many different mediums. For example, send regular greeting cards and emails. Call to encourage your friend. Send text messages of encouragement. "Most of all," writes cancer survivor Margaret Tobin on the OncoLink cancer website, "remember that the cancer patient is indeed alive, so keep up a positive attitude with him or her."

Tags: your friend, friend feel, your friend feel, cancer patient, Cancer patients, fighting cancer, gift that