Thursday, April 28, 2011

Check Your Breast For Lumps

Women fear breast cancer. One of the best ways to alleviate fear is to be armed with knowledge. By using tried and true techniques to exam her breasts, a woman will be able to tell immediately if there are any changes or lumps in them. A woman can perform the exam on herself, or have a loved one assist her.


1. Visually examine your breasts in the mirror. Take note of their shape and look. Determine visual differences such as lumps, swelling, redness, darkening, dimpling or puckering. Check the skin on each breast for scales, rashes, or itchy patches. Look at the nipple to see if it is inverted, misshapen or oozing any discharge.

2. Note the variances in your breasts that are normal for you such as moles, zits, and skin tags.

3. Physically examine your breasts. Lay flat on your back and, with your fingertips, use up and down motions to feel the breast tissue from collar bone to ribs. Note any pain or lumps found under the skin.

Tags: your breasts, examine your, examine your breasts