Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Make Quilted Pot Holders With A Breast Cancer Ribbon

Making a quilted pot holder is a simple process.

Making your own quilted pot holders is a way of saving money, as well as customizing your kitchenware. With only a basic knowledge of sewing, you can make a quilted pot holder for personal use, or to sell at a fundraiser. Adding a breast cancer ribbon will show your support for a worthwhile cause, and will make your pot holder more personalized. Your quilted pot holder can be as complex and detailed as you desire.


1. Measure out two squares of fabric for the cover of the pot holder. Cut the squares 1 inch wider and 1 inch higher than you want the pot holder to be. For example, if you want the pot holder to be 6 inches by 6 inches, cut out two 7-inch square pieces of fabric.

2. Cut out a piece of quilt batting which is exactly the dimensions that you wish the pot holder to be.

3. Lay the two pieces of fabric face down next to each other, so that the back of the material is facing up. Pull 1/2 inch of fabric from each together and sew. Fold the fabric so that the front of the fabric is facing outwards on both sides and pin the edges together. Turn the potholder inside out and sew two of the remaining three edges together, so you are left with a pocket of fabric. Turn the fabric pocket right side out again. Insert the quilt batting into the pocket and sew the fourth edge together.

4. Attach the pink ribbon to the fabric. The breast cancer ribbon is a looped piece of pink fabric, with the two ends hanging loose. Place a stitch in the loop to hold the ribbon in place. Sew the two loose ends of the ribbon to a corner of the pot holder so the loop can be used to hang the pot holder up. If you wish to attach the pink ribbon to the middle of the pot holder, it will not lay flat, but you can sew down the edges to minimize the raised patch.

5. Quilt the potholder by sewing a top-stitch or running stitch across the material. The space between the running stitch can be narrow or thick, depending on your personal preference.

Tags: quilted holder, breast cancer ribbon, cancer ribbon, edges together, pieces fabric, pink ribbon, quilt batting