Monday, February 7, 2011

How Dangerous Is Lung Cancer

How Dangerous Is Lung Cancer?

Lung Cancer Facts

According to the organization Cancer Care, 15 percent of all cancer diagnoses are related to lung cancer. Lung cancer also accounts for 29 percent of all cancer-related deaths. Lung cancer occurs when the cells of the lung mutate and start to grow out of control. These cells grow into large growths called tumors. Lung cancer is a particularly dangerous form of cancer. As it progresses, it can slowly take its toll on your health and -- in most cases, especially if detected too late -- ends in death.


Making lung cancer so dangerous is its ability to grow at an incredible rate. In most cases this occurs due to exposure to a foreign toxic substance such as those found in cigarette smoke, asbestos and radon gas. Once the cells have been exposed to these toxins, they begin to mutate and grow out of control, forming masses called tumors. Since there is only so much room in the lungs for cells to grow, eventually the tumor growth begins to crowd the lungs to where they have difficulty functioning. Pressure begins to be placed on the lungs making it nearly impossible for them to take in oxygen to fuel the body. If the tumor does not respond well to treatment, it can eventually take over the entire lungs, causing the lungs to stop working.


Lung cancer has the ability to metastasize, or spread. Cancer cells have the unique ability to break off of their original site and travel to neighboring lymph nodes. The lymph system consists of a host of canals in which lymph can flow throughout the body. This system makes a convenient path for cancer cells to infect other vital organs, including the heart, brain and liver. Once in their new location, the cancer cells can create new capillaries to feed themselves and then grow into a new tumor. Just like in the lung, these tumors can outgrow their location and place pressure on the vital organs. Without enough room to operate, these organs will eventual shut down, killing the patient with them.

Tags: called tumors, cancer cells, cells grow, cells have, Dangerous Lung, Dangerous Lung Cancer, grow control