Monday, September 20, 2010

Customize A Charity Box

Transform a shoebox into a charity box.

A tzedukah, or charity box, is a small box used to collect donations during Purim. Purim is a day of remembrance marking the unraveling of a plot to kill all Jews, which is described in the book of Esther. The charity boxes are a way to help other people who may be looked down upon.The boxes are filled with donations and given to the rabbi during Purim, or people can donate them directly to organizations. There are no guidelines for decorating the charity box. Customize a charity box to match personal style or as a reminder to give.


1. Cut a small hole into the top of the shoe box lid. The hole should be wide enough for money to slip through.

2. Cover the lid and shoebox with construction paper. Glue the construction paper in place.

3. Flip through magazines and cut out words or pictures. Look for words or pictures that will remind you to give or remind you of the organization that will receive the donations.

4. Glue the pictures to the lid and shoebox. Paint over the pictures and words with decoupage glue to hold the pictures in place.

5. Let the glue dry before placing the lid on the shoebox.

Tags: construction paper, during Purim, that will, words pictures