Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Apply Telemetry Leads

Misplaced leads can lead to an incorrect diagnosis.

When our hearts beat, electrical currents are sent out resulting in contraction, which is the "beating." Telemetry is the term for the procedure that picks up these currents via electrodes (called leads) that are placed strategically on the chest in five locations. These electrodes then send signals through wires a transmitter that changes them into a format that can be read by an ECG (Electro Cardiograph) machine. The correct placement of these leads is vital to an accurate reading.


1. Open package containing the leads being sure the stickers are intact and covered.

2. Remove the protective covering off of the white lead.

3. Place the white lead just under the bone of the right shoulder before the armpit.

4. Remove the protective covering off of the black lead next.

5. Place the black lead directly opposite the white on the left side of the body.

6. Remove the backing of the brown lead and place it on the right side diagonal from the white at the space between the ribs.

7. Remove the backing of the green lead next, place it on the left side of the chest under the rib cage.

8. Remove the backing of the red lead and place it exactly opposite the green on the right side of the chest.

9. Connect the color-coordinated wires to the corresponding leads.

10. Insert the wires into the ECG machine.

Tags: Remove backing, black lead, lead next, lead place, left side, protective covering, Remove protective