Ultrasound Technician Hospital Programs
Ultrasound technicians generate images of specific areas of a person's body using specialized equipment. Many ultrasound technicians receive their training from colleges, vocational institutes, the armed forces or hospitals. Many hospitals throughout the United States offer programs that result in certificates of completion and the ability to receive certification from the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. In fact, some of the highest ranked hospitals--as ranked by U.S. News--offer ultrasound technology programs.
Yale-New Haven Hospital
Yale-New Haven Hospital offers a 12-month program for general sonography through its School of Diagnostic Ultrasound. For admission into the program, candidates must either have a high school diploma or equivalent and have completed a full-time, two-year, patient-care related, accredited allied health training program or have a bachelor's degree earned in the United States or Canada and have completed specific prerequisite courses with a 2.5 GPA.
Yale-New Haven Hospital
20 York Street
New Haven, CT 06510-3202
Johns Hopkins Hospital
The John Hopkins School of Medical Imaging offers a 14-month program in diagnostic medical sonography. Students receive foundation studies in ultrasound procedures and are able to concentrate in specific areas including small parts imaging, gynecology and neurosonology. Admission requirements are a completed application, the payment of an application fee, two completed recommendation forms, a letter of intent and transcripts for all post high school education. The school has all necessary forms available on its website.
John Hopkins Hospital
600 N. Wolfe St
Baltimore, MD 21287
Mayo Clinic
The Mayo Clinic offers a 21-month sonography program through the Mayo School of Health Sciences. To apply for admission, you must complete specific prerequisite courses with a grade of C or higher; have a license or certification in a patient-care field (such as certified nursing assistant, radiologic technology or registered nurse); and have an eligible ACT or SAT score. If you are a radiographer or senior radiography student, admission requirements are to have a grade of C or better in all radiography courses and eligible ACT or SAT score.
Mayo Clinic
200 First St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
The Vanderbilt University Medical Center School of Diagnostic Medical Sonography offers an 18-month program in general sonography. Eligibility requirements are a high school diploma or equivalent and graduation from a two- or four-year accredited allied health program or a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with a minimum GPA of 2.5. You may also be eligible for admission if you demonstrate eligibility to graduate with a bachelor's degree from Austin Peay State University or Middle Tennessee State University upon completion of the medical sonography curriculum.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
1211 Medical Center Drive
Nashville, TN 37232
Tags: Medical Center, bachelor degree, Haven Hospital, high school, Mayo Clinic, University Medical