Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What Are Liquid Filled Bumps On Skin

A blister on a toe

It is human nature to poke and prod at something different that suddenly appears on your skin. If you have liquid-filled bumps that have appeared recently on your skin, it could be one of several skin conditions.


Blisters are a common type of bump on the skin that can be filled with watery liquid. According to the Nemours Foundation, they are most likely to occur on a spot that is exposed to excessive rubbing, such as feet that are being rubbed by a pair of shoes.

Pyogenic Granulomas

The American Academy of Dermatology describes pyogenic granulomas as small, blood-filled bumps that can form after an injury or without any cause. They are more common in children than in adults, and women may develop pyogenic granulomas on their gums during pregnancy.

Creeping Eruption

Creeping eruption is a worm infection that is picked up in tropical areas from dirt or sand containing infected dog or cat feces. The American Academy of Dermatology reports that red bumps that ooze a clear liquid can appear as the worm moves through the skin.

Sebaceous Cysts

According to Medline Plus, sebaceous cysts can form in an irritated or injured hair follicle. They are usually harmless but can become infected and can drain a foul-smelling fluid or yellow material as well as blood.


Like pyogenic granulomas, hemangiomas are blood-filled bumps on the skin. They are more likely to occur on adults than on children, and they can appear anywhere on the body. Hemangiomas are not harmful, and they can be removed surgically.

Tags: bumps that, pyogenic granulomas, Academy Dermatology, American Academy, American Academy Dermatology, blood-filled bumps