Monday, December 9, 2013

Where Find Free Clinics

Finding an affordable doctor is possible.

People who do not have health insurance can access medical help at a free clinic. Some clinics are entirely free, and others ask for donations. The free clinic caters to homeless and low-income people and those with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.


Guidelines for services are based on income.

Free clinics make a determination as to costs of services based on the guidelines of the national

poverty level. For a family of four, this is approximately $22,000. Most free clinics charge on a sliding scale to contribute to covering operating costs.


Free clinics depend on gifts of medical supplies, donations from physicians, health-care workers' time and cooperation of pharmaceutical companies. Fees for services can be as low as $4 per visit, as of 2010. Free clinics serve uninsured adults. In most states, children under the age of 18 are covered under federal and state mandates.


The National Association of Free Clinics (NAFC) is a national non-profit organization that acts as a clearing house for free clinics. State welfare agencies have information to help in locating a free clinic. Your local hospital can help in accessing health care for indigent and low-income families.

Tags: free clinic, services based