Monday, December 30, 2013

Compose Sample Letters Of Recommendation

sample letters recommending someone

Sample Letters of Recommendation are ways of recommending someone for a job position, college admittance letters, teacher fellowship, law school, etc. This sample recommendation letter format can be used for recommending someone for positions in various situations.


1. First at top left format your sample letters to include full name to whom you are recommending someone (may begin Mr. or Mrs.), title, name of company, institution, etc., and address where sending the recommendation.

2. Next include a sample greeting such as Dear followed by Mr. or Mrs. and the contacts last name.

3. Begin the letters with a sample statement of intent or purpose you are recommending someone, why you are sending the recommendation to them, and the name of the person you are recommending.

4. Second include a statement explaining your relationship with the person you are recommending in your sample letters. Discuss any professional relationship first, then personal, followed by length and extent of relationship.

5. Third offer factual information in your letters supporting your recommending someone including a sample of their performance, professional attributes, and personal character traits you admire.

6. Next provide testimonial statements in your recommendation letters indicating sample situations as evidence why you would recommend someone.

7. Lastly restate your sample endorsement specific to the position you are recommending someone followed by an offer in your letters to contact you for more information needed.

Tags: recommending someone, sample letters, your sample, your sample letters, Letters Recommendation