Thursday, November 14, 2013

Medical Sonography Degrees

Medical sonography allows specialists to see closer images of body organs and tissue via frequency waves.

Medical sonography is a procedure that allows physicians and medical specialists to see closer images of body organs and tissue via frequency waves. Medical sonography is used by physicians to diagnose diseases and disorders. To have a career in medical sonography, you must obtain a diagnostic medical sonogrpahy degree from an accredited college, university or technical school. Many schools offer both an associate's and bachelor's degree in the field. A small number of schools offer a master's degree also.

Bachelor's in Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Individuals with a bachelor's degree in diagnostic medical sonography can pursue a number of careers in medicine, education and research. Careers in medicine may include neurosonography (examination of the brain and spine) and breast sonography. Those seeking to teach medical sonography or train on the use of the technique will also benefit from a bachelor's degree in the field. A bachelor's degree may also be helpful to those seeking a career in medical sonography research. Many bachelor's programs provide students with two years of education and training toward their degree after preliminary courses are satisfied, including courses in chemistry and biology. As such, students pursuing their bachelor's degree in diagnostic medical sonography will often undergo clinical studies in addition to courses in general, cardiac and vascular sonography.

Associate's in Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Students studying for their associate's degree in diagnostic medical sonography are prepared for entry-level careers as a diagnostic medical sonographer. The duties of a diagnostic medical sonographer include taking ultrasounds, recording data and preparing images for physicians. Students receiving their associate's degree will also undergo clinical and laboratory studies. At technical schools such as Sanford Brown in Atlanta, students can receive a certificate or associate's degree in diagnostic medical sonography. Among the courses for those studying for their associate's degree are anatomy, physiology and pathology. Upon receiving an associate's degree, students can take the American Registry Exam's diagnostic medical sonography component.

Master of Science in Sonography

Individuals who pursue their master's degree in medical sonography often go on to become medical sonography researchers or instructors. Before pursuing their master's degree in the field, students must first possess a bachelor's degree and should have taken medical sonography courses. Also, students must have a strong science background. Students are likely to study courses in medical ethics, ultrasound research and cardiac ultrasounds for adults and children. However, master's degrees in diagnostic medical sonography are not as prevalent in colleges and universities.

Tags: diagnostic medical, bachelor degree, associate degree, degree diagnostic, degree diagnostic medical