Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Dog Lung Cancer Symptoms

Dog Lung Cancer Symptoms

Lung cancer is rare in dogs as a stand-alone disease. In most instances, the cancer has originated in other parts of the body before appearing in the lungs. Lung cancer can affect dogs of any breed or size.

Early Stages

The early stages of the disease may have no outward signs. By the time external symptoms appear, the cancer has typically progressed to the point at which invasive treatment is required.

Respiratory Symptoms

One of the first symptoms of lung cancer is a deep, hacking cough. Coughing bouts will increase in length and may produce small amounts of blood. Difficulty breathing or wheezing during periods of rest can also indicate cancer.

Digestive Symptoms

As the disease progresses and the dog grows more uncomfortable and lethargic, the dog will eat less, resulting in weight loss.

Physical Symptoms

Because lung cancer saps energy and affects respiratory function, dogs will experience a noticeable decrease in agility and amount of activity. Lumps, or tumors, in other areas of the body may be felt.


There are several conditions affecting canines that cause symptoms that are similar to lung cancer, including pneumonia and heartworm, so diagnosis by a veterinarian is important.

Tags: Cancer Symptoms, Lung Cancer Symptoms