Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fellowship Grants For Graduate Students

An abundance of graduate fellowship grants exists in high-need areas.

Many graduate students find it challenging to obtain the necessary funds to pay for their education costs. Undergraduate students have more financial assistance available to them than graduate students, but options are still available. Eligible graduate students have the ability to fund their education and research with graduate fellowships. Government and private organizations offer fellowship grants to graduate students in research-related fields. Each fellowship program has its own eligibility requirements.

Boren Fellowship

Funded by the National Security Education Program, the Boren Fellowship provides up to $30,000 in fellowship aid to U.S. graduate students in an effort to add cultural and language experience to their curricula. Eligible students perform research and study abroad in areas of the world that play important roles in U.S. interests. Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are not eligible countries available to students. You must have an interest in learning less commonly taught languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Swahili. During the application process, you must explain how your research and study will benefit the interest of the U.S., as well as thoroughly explain your academic and career goals.

ISI Richard M. Weaver Fellowship

The Weaver Fellowship program offers financial assistance to graduate students who are members of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute and intend to teach. Eligible students receive up to $5,000 and a fellowship covering the costs of tuition. Students are required to write a five- to 10-page essay on a topic chosen by the program's committee. You must include in your application a one-page outline of your previous awards, prior education and internships. You are required to include a three- to five-page personal and professional autobiography, three faculty letters of recommendation and your undergraduate and graduate official transcripts. You must provide brief responses as to why you desire to teach, why you are deserving of the fellowship, how you heard about the program and submit a declaration of intent to teach.

National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation (NSF) provides financial assistance to graduate students seeking research-based master's degrees in science and engineering. The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program provides up to three years of support toward education and research costs for eligible graduate students who show potential to excel in science and engineering research. Students must have U.S. citizenship or national status. You must have completed no more than 12 months of full-time graduate study or 24 semester hours of part-time graduate study. Students pursuing an MBA, MPH, MSW, education or psychology degrees are not eligible for the fellowship award.


The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides fellowship opportunities for graduate students seeking to perform research in another country. Students must demonstrate knowledge of the history, culture and current events within the country where they desire to apply for study. You cannot have earned a doctoral degree and must have U.S. citizenship. You are required to submit the Medical Certificate of Health completed by your doctor certifying that you're in good health. Priority for the fellowship award is given to students who have taken undergraduate studies in other countries. Students receiving fellowship grants also get round-trip transportation to their host country and limited health benefits. Students also receive book and research allowances, full or partial tuition, language study programs and pre-departure and in-country orientation.

Tags: graduate students, must have, financial assistance, students have, assistance graduate, assistance graduate students