Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What Should I Study To Be A Sonographer

Sonographers provide important services to expecting mothers and their doctors.

If you are thinking about becoming a sonographer, one of the most important things to consider is attending an accredited program, even if you choose to earn a certification in lieu of a degree. Accredited sonography programs allow those in interested in this field to take the registry exams and become a licensed sonographer, which can make it easier to gain employment.

The Minimum

There are different routes you can take to become a sonographer, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Whichever path you choose, you must have a high school diploma or a general education development certificate. In addition, some training programs will admit students who have a high school diploma or GED and have taken college courses in health, math and science.

Associate Degree in Applied Science (AAS)

Some college, including community colleges, universities and technical schools offer formal training for students to become a sonographer in a two- or four-year program. According to the BLS, two-year programs to earn an associate's degree in applied science are the most popular for those who want to work as a sonographer. To earn a degree to become a sonographer, students must take courses in physiology, instrumentation, physics, anatomy, medical ethics and patient care. After completing a degree program, a student is eligible to take the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers or the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists registry exam to earn a certification. Some students choose to take the ARDMS and ARRT exams. The BLS states that a certification from either registry adds to an individual's credibility as a technician and can enhance employment opportunities.

Training in a Related Field

In lieu of earning an AAS, an individual can choose to receive training in a field related to sonography and then attend a sonography certification program. The BLS states that some vocational-technical institutes accept those who had health-care experience in the Armed Forces or in another health-care field, such as a radiologic technician. The BLS states that one-year programs typically do not provide adequate training for those interested in becoming a sonographer and are meant for professionals who already work in the health-care field.


After earning a sonography certification, you can choose to advance in your field by studying in specialty sonography programs. For example, you can become a registered diagnostic cardiac sonographer and a registered diagnostic medical sonographer. On the other hand, you can study abdominal sonography if you wants to become an obstetric sonographer.

Tags: become sonographer, states that, American Registry, becoming sonographer, earn certification