Friday, October 11, 2013

What Kind Of Equipment Does A Dentist Use

Dentists are professionals who work on the health of the teeth, bones and tissue of the mouth. They diagnose diseases of the mouth, teeth and gums as well as provide advice and instruction to prevent the diseases from returning. Dentists use a variety of tools and equipment to assist them in dental procedures.

X-ray Machine

Many dentists have an X-ray machine in their offices. Some of these X-ray units are portable, and some are attached to the walls of the exam room. Dentists use these machines to observe the bone structure of the mouth as well as diagnose structural problems with the teeth that would remain undetected by the human eye.

Mouth Mirrors

Mouth mirrors have a small head that is attached to a longer arm. These instruments help dentists better see areas of the mouth that would be difficult to observe otherwise. The ability to see hard-to-reach places allows dentists to note if there is tooth decay or other disorders in the mouth. Mouth mirrors also can be used to push the tongue and cheek into a position that allows the dentist to better view the teeth.

Dental Forceps

Dental forceps are plier-like tools that dentists use when they are performing extractions. These tools come in a variety of sizes and styles for different sized mouths.

Dental Drills

Dental drills are are small, high-powered instruments used before a filling is installed. These drills also are used to make the small hole at the base of the tooth needed for root canals. Dental drill heads are made of hard metal and come in a variety of forms designed for specific purposes.


Dentists use scalpels to to perform surgical procedures. A scalpel can be used to open the gums for a bone graft. It also can be used to assist in the removal of wisdom teeth.

Safety Wear

To protect the eyes from the spray and splatter that accompanies dental procedures, dentists wear safety goggles. They also use masks and gloves to protect themselves and their patients from infectious diseases.

Dental Probes

Dental probes have a handle and a blunt measuring needle. These instruments are used to examine the gum pockets of a patient. The measuring device on the probe allows the dentist to determine if a patient has periodontal disease. Dental probes also can be used to examine a hole in the tooth enamel or to remove tartar and plaque from the mouth.

Tags: also used, allows dentist, come variety, Dental probes, dental procedures