Thursday, September 20, 2012

Early Signs Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is curable if it's caught early enough to get effective treatment. Learning find and recognize the early signs of breast cancer may help to improve the quality of your life. Monthly self-exams of the breasts are helpful in finding abnormalities such as lumps, pitted skin or bruising. The faster you act on abnormal findings; the better your chances of a full recovery after medical treatment.


Itching may be experienced on the breasts with discharge from one or both nipples. The nipples may flatten or become inverted. The nipples may be discolored, ranging from dark pink to red. An appointment with your health professional is prudent.


Early signs of breast cancer include a bruise, or bruising, on the breasts that won't go away. The bruises may fade or change color, however they don't disappear. This sign should definitely raise red flags and prompt you to visit your health professional for a thorough exam and testing.


Swelling of the breasts when you are not menstruating, or lumps that suddenly appear, should be checked out with your health professional. Swelling of the breasts may be misdiagnosed by doctors as a breast infection and treated with antibiotics. While inflammatory breast cancer may present symptoms that are similar to that of a common breast infection precious time is lost using antibiotics. Always get a second opinion if you are faced with this situation.


Inflammatory breast cancer is a fast-moving aggresive cancer that spreads quickly to nearby tissue and lymph nodes. The build-up of fluid is the reason why the breast, or breasts, swell, causing discoloration, tenderness and redness. "Inflammatory breast cancer accounts for between 1 percent and 6 percent of all breast cancer cases in the United States. Survival rates are lower than those observed in other locally advanced breast cancers." Mayo Clinic (see Resources).


Skin may thicken under the arms and ridges or dimpling of the skin may occur on the breast rather like the surface of an orange peel; this is called, peau d'orange. Unusual warmth may be felt on the breast and the breast may be bright red in color. These are classic signs of breast cancer.


Do a monthly self-exams to detect early signs of breast cancer. The self-exams may be done lying down on an exercise mat or on the bed. Lie flat and raise your arms behind your head as if you were basking in the sun on a warm beach. Using the forefinger and index finger of your left hand, examine your right breast using small circular motions. Examine every part of your breast and underarm before repeating the process for your left breast using the fingers of your right hand. Note any abnormalities in a notebook and see your doctor at the first instance of suspicion. Repeat the self-exam monthly.

Tags: breast cancer, breast cancer, health professional, signs breast, signs breast cancer, your health, your health professional