Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Plantar Fasciitis Exercise

Plantar fasciitis in the foot results from stress on, or aging of, the plantar fascia ligament, which stretches from the heel to the base of the toes. Small tears and inflammation in the ligament cause pain on the bottom of the foot, most acutely in the morning. It is common in runners and people who are overweight. Stretching exercises, in conjunction with other treatments such as icing, rest, shoe inserts and anti-inflammatories, can reduce or eliminate the pain.

Morning Exercises

Stretching exercises may be especially useful in reducing morning foot pain. Stretching and strengthening the muscles attached to the ligament help reduce stress on it. But avoid jogging or any activities that include pounding the foot on the ground or floor. They will worsen the situation.

Aim stretching exercises at the feet, ankles, calves and the Achilles tendon.

Sit on the floor with both legs outstretched. Stretch out a towel between the hands and loop it around the bottom of the affected foot. Pull on the towel until the bottom of the foot feels as if it is stretching. Hold the position for 30 seconds, and repeat 10 times.

Another exercises that helps with morning pain is the frozen can roll. Put a juice can on the floor, and put the affected foot on top of it with partial weight on the can. Roll the mid arch of the foot back and forth as the can rolls, and continue for 3 to 5 minutes.

Calf and hamstring exercises

Stand facing a wall, with arms straight and hands on the wall. Step back with the affected foot, and bend the other leg forward until the calf of the affected leg stretches. Hold the position for 30 seconds, and repeat 10 times.

Stand up and put the heel of the affected foot on a waist-high table or chair. Keep the other foot on the ground, and turn it slightly outward. Lean toward the table or chair until the calf and hamstring muscles begin to stretch, but do not do it to the point of pain. Slowly rotate the knee of the affected leg back and forth--again without pain--20 times.

Foot exercises

Stand with the ball of the affected foot on a stair. Reach the arms downward toward the step until the arch begins to stretch. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat three times.

Sit in a chair, keeping the feet flat on the floor. Keep the heel on the floor, but raise the toes and ball of the injured foot, and hold for 5 seconds. Do 3 sets of 10 foot raises.

Stand up with the heel of the affected foot on the ground. Put a towel underneath the foot and pick it up with the toes. Release the towel and then repeat 10 to 20 times.

Note that plantar fasciitis results as a symptom of excess weight, and any weight-reducing exercises can also help with the condition.

Tags: affected foot, foot ground, repeat times, seconds repeat, bottom foot, exercises Stand, heel affected