Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Causes Of A Breast Lump

Discovering a lump in one of your breasts may be alarming and cause you to fear for your health. Breast lumps can be found in anyone from babies to adult women and men and should be evaluated by a medical doctor to avoid potentially life-threatening complications. According to the National Library of Medicine and the Mayo Clinic, causes of a breast lump include infections and cancer.


In babies, a lump in a breast may be the result of leftover hormones from the mother, and in children beginning puberty, a breast lump can result from hormone changes that cause breast development.


In the days before you start your period, your breasts may feel sore and lumpy compared to other times of the month as a result of hormonal changes during premenstrual syndrome (PMS).


A bacterial infection of your breast is called mastitis. It can cause a lump to form in your breast and is accompanied by fever and redness and swelling of your breast tissue.


During lactation, if one of your milk ducts becomes clogged, a buildup of milk can result in a hardened area that feels like a lump and can be painful to the touch.


A cyst in your breast can develop as a result of an accumulation of fluid or pus and can feel like a hardened lump.


Cancer of your breast often begins as a lump that may grow quickly and can be accompanied by other symptoms such as nipple discharge and uneven swelling of your breast.

Tags: your breast, swelling your, swelling your breast, your breasts