Monday, August 1, 2011

Information On Breast Augmentation

Information on Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure meant to increase the size of the mammary glands. It is achieved by inserting soft malleable implants inside the breast to augment the shape, size and profile of the chest. Women can choose between a number of different fillers and proportions for their breast augmentation procedures.


Cosmetic surgeons conduct breast enlargement surgery in their office or in a hospital on an outpatient basis. Risks are involved with the surgery, just as there are with any procedures done under general anesthesia. Most common risks are a result of physician error leading to bleeding or infection. Doctors should be interviewed and be able to offer a number of referrals before proceeding with the surgery. Most cosmetic surgeons will provide a consultation for a fee and eliminate the fee if you choose to use their services for the surgery.


There are two primary choices for the filling of breast implants: silicone and saline. Following a ban on silicone implants in the 1990s, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reversed its decision in 2006 and approved the use of silicone for breast augmentation procedures. Advancements in silicone implants have created safer uses of the silicone filling by utilizing a solid gel instead of liquid that has less chance of leaking. Implants made from cohesive silicone gel typically are more expensive that saline implants.


Saline implants became more popular during the silicone ban, but have not been able to approach the realistic feel and look of silicone. A rubber sac is inserted under the existing breast and filled with salt water once it's inserted. Saline implants have a tendency to ripple, causing unsightly ridges on the breast. They are usually firmer than silicone and provide an unnatural feel. There is little danger in the event of a rupture, however, as the saline just disperses in the body.


Implants come in a number of shapes and sizes. They can mimic the natural slope of the breast or create higher, larger globes that result in more cleavage. Women usually choose natural shapes when they are receiving a breast augmentation following a mastectomy or are trying to balance an uneven chest. The natural teardrop shapes that are more anatomically correct can become dislodged and move around the chest cavity, requiring additional surgery to repair the shape. High, round implants tend to remain secure and firm.


People who undergo breast augmentation surgery typically recover quickly if there are no unforeseen side effects. They must reduce the amount of strenuous activity they participate in for about 10 days and usually can return to work after five to seven days. Patients often feel tightness in the chest for a couple weeks and may experience minor pain around the incisions, which are placed unseen underneath each breast.

Tags: augmentation procedures, breast augmentation, breast augmentation, breast augmentation procedures, implants have, Information Breast, Information Breast Augmentation