Thursday, June 23, 2011

Colleges In Georgia For Students With Learning Disabilities

These Georgia colleges offer support to undergraduates with learning disabilities.

The following Georgia colleges and universities offer support for students with learning disabilities in addition to remedial programs. If the Georgia institution you are interested in is not listed, visit CollegeBoard's College Matchmaker page to search for Georgia schools with support for people with learning disabilities.

Clayton State University

The Disability Resource Center at Clayton State University in Morrow, Georgia, serves students and staff with documented learning disabilities at the undergraduate and continuing education levels. Documentation is required for disability areas, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, acquired brain injury, mobility disorders, psychological disorders, sensory disorders and systemic disorders. The university requires diagnostic documentation and evidence that the disability hinders the applicant's learning experience. This documentation must be provided by a medical professional, and it must fulfill the diagnostic criteria specified by the DSM-IV. The specific documentation criteria are listed on the Clayton University Disability Resource Center website.

Emory University

Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, offers support to applicants with learning, developmental and physical disabilities through its Office of Disability Services. Registration with the office and documentation of the disability are required to take advantage of the available resources, which include testing accommodations, in-classroom adaptive technology, alternative text, adaptive physical education and housing, and diet and nutrition assistance.

Georgia Institute of Technology

The ADAPTS Program at Atlanta's Georgia Tech works to ensure that students with learning and other disabilities have equal access to the school's resources. More than 300 Georgia Tech students are currently enrolled in the ADAPTS Program, which was put in place by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. Reasonable academic and other accommodations can be arranged for documented disabilities, including hearing impairment, visual impairment, mobility impairment, attention deficit dsorder, Asperger syndrome, autism, multiple chemical sensitivity, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and brain injury.

University of Georgia

The Disability Resource Center at the University of Georgia at Athens outlines the accommodations already in place in accordance with the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, including accessible seating in the school's Sanford Stadium. The University of Georgia also offers resources such as alternative media services, which offers learning materials in specialized formats like e-text, digital audio, large print and Braille. Registration with the Disability Resource Center and documentation of the student's disability are required to take advantage of these resources.

Tags: Disability Resource, Disability Resource Center, learning disabilities, Resource Center, University Georgia, with learning, with learning disabilities