Friday, April 16, 2010

Ultrasound Diagnostic Schools Near Philadelphia

Several schools in Philadelphia offer ultrasound diagnostic programs.

An ultrasound diagnostic technician, also called a sonographer, ultrasonographer or diagnostic medical sonographer, uses ultrasound machines to help diagnose disease or illness, or to monitor the development of fetuses. Ultrasound images are created by the echoes of high-frequency sound waves bouncing back from structures inside the body.

Sonographers can specialize in obstetrics, echocardiography, ophthalmology, neurological or vascular sonography. Training programs in ultrasound diagnostics are offered as two-year associate's degrees and four-year bachelor's degrees, and graduates must accumulate practice hours before they can be licensed.

Like most health care professions, ultrasound diagnostics is a growing field, particularly in large cities like Philadelphia. Demand for sonographers in hospitals and private practices is projected to increase for the next few years.

Jefferson College of Health Professions

Jefferson College of Health Professions offers a two-year bachelor of science degree in radiologic sciences with an emphasis on diagnostic medical sonography. Students can specialize in cardiac and vascular sonography or focus on one of these specialties and take additional coursework in health management and education. Jefferson College, which cites a career placement rate of at least 95 percent for its graduates, is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Educational Programs.

Jefferson College of Health Professions

Edison Building

130 S. Ninth St.

Philadelphia, PA 19107-5233


Sanford-Brown Institute

Sanford-Brown Institute's Trevose Campus, located 20 miles from Philadelphia, offers two-year diploma programs in diagnostic medical and cardiovascular sonography. The diagnostic medical sonography curriculum includes study of pelvic and abdominal physiology, anatomy and organ systems, survey protocols, interpretation of images, delivering accurate technical impressions and an introduction to vascular sonography. The cardiovascular sonography program focuses on the anatomy of the heart and vascular systems and includes training in echocardiography, EKGs, telemetry and emergency room protocols. Both programs extend outside the classroom to supervised clinical internships. Sanford-Brown is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools.

Sanford-Brown Institute

3600 Horizon Blvd., Suite GL-1

Trevose, PA 19053


Crozer-Chester Medical Center

Crozer-Chester Medical Center, 16 miles from Philadelphia in Upland, has a School of Diagnostic Ultrasound that is located in a teaching hospital. Crozer-Chester's curriculum includes anatomy of the pelvis and abdomen; cross-sectional anatomy; physics; interventional, vascular and neurological sonography; medical ethics; terminology; and patient care. The 18-month program has classes of eight students or fewer and includes both lecture and clinical learning. The program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs.

School of Diagnostic Ultrasound

Crozer-Chester Medical Center

One Medical Center Blvd.

North Campus, Room 214A

Upland, PA 19013


Tags: diagnostic medical, Jefferson College, Medical Center, College Health, College Health Professions, Crozer-Chester Medical, Crozer-Chester Medical Center