Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Good Argumentative Research Paper Topics

Choosing a topic you're interested in is key to writing a convincing argumentative research paper.

Argumentative research papers are among the most commonly dreaded college assignments. What gets most students nervous is having to select their own topic to argue for or against. Yet you probably voice opinions and argue for what you want on a regular basis in your daily life, so there's no reason why you can't do it in writing. The key is choosing a topic that you have a genuine interest or concern for---that way you will be willing to invest the time and research into crafting an excellent paper and will be able to write passionately and convincingly. Below are some tried-and-true topics to get you started, but feel free to branch out from there and come up with your own unique and exciting topic.

Culture and Media

Should song lyrics be subject to the same kind of rating system as movies? Should news reporters be required to reveal their sources? Should the Internet be censored?


Should colleges pay student athletes salaries? Must students be required to attend high school past the age of sixteen? Are all-girls/all-boys schools outdated?

Health and Safety

Should unapproved drugs be administered to patients as a last resort? Should people be allowed to opt out of vaccinations against infectious diseases? Does the drinking age promote or prevent underage drinking?


Is drug-testing job applicants a violation of privacy? Is the minimum wage requirement beneficial or harmful to the economy? Are tariffs or limits on foreign imports a good idea?
