Thursday, August 27, 2009

What Are The Daily Duties Of A Radiologist


A radiologist is a doctor with specialized training in reading medical images. They interpret the results and provide a course of action for patients. According to the American Medical Association, just over one percent of physicians work as radiologists.

Operate Diagnostic Equipment

A radiologist operates diagnostic medical equipment, including x-ray machines and MRI scanners. Sometimes radiologists might only oversee this process, but they must know the inner workings of these machines to ensure they get the best medical images for diagnostic purposes.

Interpret Results

Following an x-ray, MRI or ultrasound, a radiologist will interpret the images and results. They will examine the medical images and look for signs of disease or other medical issues.

Meet with Other Doctors

After a radiologist reviews the medical images taken, she will discuss the results with the patient's doctor. In some smaller offices, radiologists may meet with patients to share the results and the recommended course of treatment.


Like all doctors, radiologists are also responsible for keeping up on patient files and paperwork.

Tags: medical images