Monday, January 26, 2009

Cheap Parade Float Ideas

Parade floats can be as elaborate or as simple as the creator cares to make them. They can also be either very expensive, or very cheap. Designing a cheap parade float doesn't mean it will look cheap either. Many beautiful floats are entered into parades and come out big winners. That doesn't necessarily mean that they had a big expense, it just means the people that built them used a lot of creativity.

Child's Float

Everyone enjoys seeing children having fun. It doesn't matter what the theme of the float is, so long as it is packed with cute kids having a good time. Try to follow the theme of the parade and let the children help decorate. Do not fret if your float is not perfect because it is really supposed to be about family and fun.

Little girls love playing dress up. Design your float as a tea party setting. You only need to place a table and chairs on it and some minor decorations. Ask friends or family to lend the little girls some fancy party dresses, hats, purses and jewelry.

Borrow some large potted ferns or other plants to set at each corner of your float. If you can get a little boy to volunteer for it, dress him up as a butler and let him serve the "ladies" as the float travels its route.

Boys enjoy dirt bikes and four wheelers. If you have them, use them for your float. Pack dirt onto the wagon floor, or perhaps a straw bale or two. Your theme will be a day at the dirt track. Secure the dirt bikes or four wheelers to the wagon safely. Dress the boys in their riding gear. Add inexpensive checkered flags around the outer edge of the wagon.

Make a CD or tape of the dirt bikes or four wheelers running and "racking" their pipes. Play this as the parade moves around its route. Your little racers can sit all around the edge of the float, or beside the four-wheelers or dirt bikes. Make sure they are smudged with dirt to look authentic.

Adult Floats

Consider using your business theme, or creating a "nifty fifty" dance or restaurant theme. Cover the floor of the wagon with large sheets of cardboard and paint it large black and white squares. You can even extend the cardboard down the sides of the wagon and have your 50's floor theme as the skirt of the float.

If you know a couple that can dance a jitterbug ask them to perform on the float. Set some short stools at one end of the float. Try to find the old chrome and red stools to match the theme. You can name your float, "Lost in the Fifties" or "Those Were the Days." if you have a sense of humor, name it "Grandma's Goodtimes."

Make sure everyone on your float is dressed in 50's attire. Check thrift stores, costume shops and even people's closets for the clothing. Play a CD or tape filled with music from the 50's. Play it loud, get your couple to dance, dance, dance.

Have the people on your float encourage the parade watchers to clap to the music as you pass. If the parade has slowed in a certain spot, jump off and see if you can find someone willing to get up and dance with you. It's supposed to be fun, so make it that away.

Tags: your float, dirt bikes, bikes four, bikes four wheelers, dirt bikes four, four wheelers, dance dance