Training for emergencies
Congress recognized the need to create the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to establish safety standards and oversee worker safety training in 1970. The law requires workers to take safety training courses depending on the hazards of the job site.
Function of Training Courses
Safety courses last for varying time periods with 40-hour courses being the longest. All courses, regardless of hour length, receive evaluation for effectiveness. The goal is to have fewer workers injured or killed on the job.
Safety Courses Respond to Change
Better safety courses needed for construction workers
Recently a spike in job-related deaths of Latino construction workers has caused safety training courses for construction managers and supervisors to address this specific problem.
Evaluation of Training Courses
Warning of hazardous waste
The federal government's databases contain rigorous studies of the 40-hour safety training courses. One such, published in 2001, examined 869 trainees for a 10-year period. These trainees, who had completed the course on hazardous waste site safety, benefited from the large safety classes composed of a variety of workers.
Tags: safety training courses, construction workers, hazardous waste, safety training, safety training, training courses