Thursday, May 20, 2010

Classes Needed For Ultrasound Technician

Ultrasound technicians must undergo specific classes to understand operate sonography machines.

An ultrasound technician is a medical professional whose main duties consist of recording internal images of a patient to assist physicians in diagnosing ailments or monitoring the progression of an unborn child. Those interested in becoming an ultrasound technician, also known as a sonographer, must enroll in an ultrasound technician program, which are available in technical schools and universities across the United States. This program includes courses that cover general medical training and different types of sonography, and provides hands-on training.

General Medical Curriculum

Ultrasound technician programs require students to take general medical classes before starting ultrasound-specific coursework. These classes may vary from institution to institution, but some of the most common include: anatomy and physiology (I and II), introduction to health care, medical terminology, cross-sectional anatomy, and basic ultrasound physics and instrumentation.

Ultrasound Coursework

Once the general medical coursework has been completed, the student will begin taking ultrasound-specific classes. These courses may consist of foundations of sonography, abdominal sonography, pelvic sonography, pediatric sonography, vascular sonography and high-resolution imaging techniques. These classes are designed to give students in-depth information taught through practical experience and theoretical courses.

Clinical Sonography/Ultrasound

To graduate from an ultrasound technician program, students must complete several clinical sonography courses. These classes provide hands-on learning in a medical setting based on the information taught during coursework. Students work with actual ultrasound machines and perform various tasks under the direct supervision of a clinical sonographer. The average ultrasound technician program consists of at least five clinical sonography courses.

Tags: technician program, These classes, ultrasound technician program, clinical sonography, clinical sonography courses, general medical, information taught