Friday, March 6, 2009

Complications Of Breast Augmentation

Because breast-augmentation surgery requires incisions and implantation, risks are associated with the surgery. It is important to discuss any and all complication possibilities with your surgeon, particularly in regards to how the surgical risks could specifically affect your health, and any complicating health problems.


Infections related to surgery most often occur one to six weeks after surgery, according to Infections can occur at the surgical incision site or in the tissue surrounding the implant. Infection symptoms include fever, inflammation, heat at the surgical site and tenderness. Infections at the incision can be avoided by avoiding submerging the incisions until after they have completely healed, as well as keeping the area clean, dry and free from any lotions or perfumes.

Capsular Contracture

While it is expected that the body will form a layer of scar tissue around the breast implant,which is known as the capsule. If the capsule contracts too much, this can compress the implant and cause the breast to harden and to appear misshapen. Some surgeons theorize that the breast-implant placement can reduce the likelihood of capsular contracture. Treatments for this condition includes surgery to remove scar tissue or break up the scar tissue.


A hematoma is a collection of blood that can cause swelling. In its most harmless form, a hematoma is a bruise. However, larger hematomas that occur after surgery may need to be drained in order to prevent further complications, such as capsular contracture and infection.

Numbness and Breast-Sensation Changes

Because breast augmentation can affect the nerves in the breast, a patient may experience changes in sensation, making the breast feel more or less sensitive. Much of this nerve damage is temporary and will be restored with time; however; women who experience numbness in the nipple or breast months after surgery should notify their physician to ensure the nerve damage will not cause any negative effects to their overall health.

Ruptured Implant

One of the most serious complications associated with breast surgery is that ruptured breast implants can burst and leak into the body. In the case of saline implants, the saline should be easily absorbed by the body, and the implant can be replaced.

In the event the breast implant is made of silicone, the gel can leak into the breast tissue or even move to other areas of the body. Ruptured breast implants are more likely to occur in certain circumstances, such as after excessive handling of the implant during surgery, due to trauma around the breast, after severe capsular contracture, because implants were stacked on top of each other, or due to wear and tear from aging.

Tags: after surgery, scar tissue, around breast, associated with, breast implant, breast implants, capsular contracture