Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Asymmetrical Breast Problems

Asymmetrical breasts have several variations and causes. Among these are size or shape differences from one side of the body to the other, or in severe cases total absence of the breast. In the majority of women, the exact cause is unknown. Yet for many others it is due to trauma, infection or a tumor.There are steps that can be taken to equalize the physical differences between breasts.


Asymmetry does more than effect a woman's physical appearance. The damage to a young girl's self-esteem can have far reaching repercussions, including the ability to have intimate relationships.

Nonsurgical Remedies

If the differences between breasts are purely cup size, purchase a bra that fits the larger breast. On the side of the smaller breast purchase silicone breast forms in the size of the larger breast to bring evenness to your appearance. Most breast forms can be used in swimwear as well.


Breast augmentation can help you change the look of your breasts. Make an appointment with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon that specializes in breast augmentation. She can make you aware of your options and give you a good idea of what results you can expect.


One of the choices you will have with augmentation is implant size and shape.You can select a round or tear-drop shaped implant. You will also have the option of choosing silicone, saline, or other types such as cohesive gel. Augmentation allows you and the surgeon to match the size and shape of the implants to give the symmetry you desire.

Breast Reduction

Another alternative is breast reduction of the larger breast. Often a plastic surgeon can alter the shape of the operated breast to better match the other breast.

Tags: larger breast, size shape, between breasts, breast forms, differences between, differences between breasts