Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pill Side Effects

When taking any medications, side effects can be an issue. Side effects are unintended consequences of taking medication. Side effects are also the high-speed list of uncomfortable things read by the narrator during TV commercials for specific medications.

Medication Effects

Everything a pill does to you is a side effect. Medication research is all about finding a pill or treatment with an effect that helps whatever illness or condition you have. An effect of antihistamines is that they dry up your sinus passages. That's a good thing, therefore this effect becomes the primary reason for giving the medication. Other effects of antihistamines, for instance, include nervousness, dry mouth and drowsiness. Since these are not desirable, they are "side" effects.

Label Warnings

All medications, whether over-the-counter or prescription, come with label warnings or inserts with side effects listed. When taking medications, always read these warnings about side effects so you can recognize symptoms if they occur.

When to Discontinue

Some side effects are tolerable, others are not. Certain side effects interfere with other medications for more serious conditions. Medications that cause the heart to race might be dangerous to people using heart medications or who have cardiovascular problems or hypertension.

When Not to Start

Medication warnings also describe other medications that should not used at the same time. Doctors and pharmacists are the first line of prevention to keep you from taking medications that shouldn't be combined. Mistakes do slip by, however, so check label warnings before starting a new medication, even an over-the-counter medication.

Ask First

Medication errors are often made. In 2004, almost a quarter-million Americans died as a result of errors, overdoses, side effects and reactions to medications. If you read the label and something seems wrong, ask first before you take that pill!

Tags: side effects, taking medications, label warnings, other medications, side effects