Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Medical Cure For An Enlarged Thyroid

Medical Cure for an Enlarged Thyroid

An enlarged thyroid is also known by the term "goiter" and results in a large, round swelling at the base of the neck. Many thyroid problems and abnormalities can cause the thyroid to become enlarged; the treatment options available are based on the root thyroid dysfunction in each affected individual.


The most common cause of goiter worldwide is a diet lacking in iodine, an element essential in the production of thyroid hormones. Because most industrialized countries add iodine to salt and other commonly used foods to prevent iodine deficiency, this cause of goiter is almost exclusively seen in developing countries. However, an enlarged thyroid can also be caused by fluid-filled or benign lumps forming on the thyroid; cancer of the thyroid gland; Hasimoto's disease, in which the thyroid produces too little thyroid hormones; and Graves' disease, in which the thyroid produces too much hormone.

Drug Treatments

Both an overactive or underactive enlarged thyroid can be treated with medications targeted to increase or slow the gland's production of thyroid hormone and decrease the size of the goiter. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as corticosteroids, may also decrease inflammation from unusual thyroid behavior.

Radioactive Iodine Treatment

Radioactive iodine is often used to control the production of an overactive thyroid gland (Graves' disease). When the radioactive iodine is taken up by the thyroid gland, thyroid cells are destroyed, slowing the excessive production of thyroid hormone and decreasing the size of the goiter. This treatment method has one major drawback -- it can often result in a thyroid that consistently produces too little hormone, forcing the individual to supplement with hormone replacement medication.

Surgical Treatments

Surgical treatments for enlarged thyroids are viable options when the thyroid is enlarged due to thyroid cancer, excessive amounts of nodules or lumps on the thyroid, or the goiter has grown so large that breathing and swallowing are impaired. In most cases, individuals will need to take thyroid hormone-replacing medications for the rest of their lives to compensate for the drop in thyroid hormone production.


For individuals with only slightly enlarged thyroid glands and appropriate levels of thyroid hormone being produced in their bodies, the best approach may be to let the thyroid return to its original size on its own. If it doesn't decrease after a certain period of time, another treatment method can then be considered.

Tags: thyroid hormone, enlarged thyroid, production thyroid, thyroid gland, cause goiter, Cure Enlarged