Monday, November 14, 2011

Donate Vegetable Seed Packs To Third World Nations

photo by Luvjnx

The Kokopelli Seed Foundation, named after the flute player that is a Native American symbol for fertility, disperses seeds to people that need them in third world nations. You can participate by donating your own homegrown vegetable seed packs. The foundation's goal is to provide a seed fund that is supported by communities. The seeds are used by families and communities in Third World nations so that they can become self-sufficient and overcome poverty and hunger.


1. Plant a garden of vegetables from your organic heritage or heirloom seeds. If you don't have heritage seeds you can request them from Kokopelli Seed Foundation by sending an email to They will send you heirloom tomato, lettuce and squash seeds to help you start your project.

2. Be sure to space your vegetables in the garden properly so that they don't cross-pollinate. Each vegetable has a different amount of space that is safe to prevent cross pollination. Let insects, birds, and wind pollinate your seeds.

3. Harvest your tomato and squash seeds by carefully removing the seeds from the vegetable. Wash the seeds to remove any remaining part of the vegetable.

4. Harvest your lettuce by removing leaves you want to use for food. Leave the remainder of the plant to flower. The flowers will turn to seed. Cut the lettuce stalk when the seeds begin to loosen. Tie a plastic bag around the stalk, and shake to remove the seeds.

5. Lay each type of seed on a different tray to dry in the sun separately.

6. Collect the seeds and put them in separate envelopes. Label each envelope with the the variety of seed enclosed. Put all your vegetable seed packs in a larger envelope and mail them to:

Kokopelli Seed Foundation

59 Westland Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

7. Cut and store your vegetables in freezer bags until you are ready to use them, or make and store your tomatoes as a canned tomato sauce.

Tags: Kokopelli Seed, Kokopelli Seed Foundation, Seed Foundation, Harvest your, seed packs, squash seeds, store your