Thursday, January 27, 2011

Look Years Younger Without Surgery

Turning back the hands of time doesn't have to mean getting plastic surgery.

For many, looking younger remains a constant goal which they will go to great lengths to achieve. If you hope to turn back the hands of time and retain the vibrant looks that you enjoyed in your youth, there are a number of paths you could follow. While some opt for surgical intervention, doing so isn't entirely necessary. Instead of ponying up the money for surgical procedures or dealing with the pain associated with such invasive intervention, try out some less taxing methods of looking youthful and attractive. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Sleep tight. Sleep is vital in maintaining your youthful good looks. While you snooze each night, your body rejuvenates itself. If you try to get by with fewer than eight hours of sleep each night, you are robbing your body of the opportunity to perform this function, likely leading yourself to age more prematurely.

2. Relax with a massage. Getting a massage does more than just make you feel fresh and relaxed. As Bethany Lye reported for MSN, massages may help you maintain your youthful looks as kneading the tissues can improve circulation. With this improved circulation will likely come more youthful and vibrant skin tone and complexion.

3. Modify your diet. The foods you consume play an important part in keeping you healthy -- and looking young. If you seek a youthful look, avoid fats and simple carbs as these foods can lead you to age more quickly, reports MSN. Instead, munch on seafoods and non-starchy vegetables. The vitamins and nutrients in these healthier options help promote cell rejuvenation and keep you looking your best without going under the knife.

4. Employ some makeup tricks. Even with effort to reduce the aging process, you will ultimately start to look a bit older as the years pass. Though you can't prevent this aging, you can stop it from being so apparent. When you apply your makeup, pay a bit more attention to your eyes, recommends Harper's Bazzar. By using brighter eye shadows and lining your eye in soft brown you can draw attention to this portion of your face, making you appear younger. Also, reduce the amount of powder you use, applying only a light dusting, as powder can sink into fine lines and make them more visible.

Tags: back hands, back hands time, each night, hands time, your body