Monday, January 24, 2011

College Scholarships For Women Over 50

Women over 50 have many options for continuing a college education, starting a college education or just taking classes. Financial aid for non-traditional students such as senior women are available at many schools, along with federal financial aid that does not have an age requirement for qualification.

AARP Foundation's Women's Scholarship Program

The AARP Foundation funds a scholarship program offered to women 40 years of age or older. This program helps older women go back to school or attend school for the first time to gain an education or learn valuable job skills. The scholarship can cover between $500 and $5,000 in tuition and fees. The AARP scholarship is needs-based, so the amount a recipient is awarded depends on the woman's financial situation, as well as how much the school costs.

Jeannette Rankin Scholarship

The Jeannette Rankin Scholarship program provides low-income women 35 and older with scholarship funds to attend a two-year or four-year degree program, a technical school program or a vocational school program. The scholarship has strict income requirements for eligibility, ranging from $13,958 for a single-person home to $53,491 for a six-person home. If you are using the scholarship for a bachelor's degree, it has to be the first bachelor's degree that you are seeking.

The Shirley Hoden Helberg Grants for Mature Women

The Shirley Hoden Helberg Grants for Mature Women are funded by the National League of American Pen Women, an arts and writing organization. This grants are awarded for writing, music and art scholarships for women over 35, with a maximum award of $1,000. Each type of scholarship application has a special requirement in addition to age. The Letters scholarship application requires an unpublished manuscript; art award applicants need to submit 4-inch-by-5-inch or larger art prints; and music scholarship applications need to submit two different compositions with a play time of 3 minutes.

Sophie Greenstadt Scholarship for Mid-Life Women

The Sophie Greenstadt Scholarship for Mid-Life Women is awarded to women 35 and older who live in Los Angeles County. The program is geared toward women who are entering school to learn marketable skills for financial independence. The National Council of Jewish Women funds this scholarship, and the scholarship awards up to $1,000.

Tags: AARP Foundation, bachelor degree, college education, Grants Mature, Grants Mature Women, Greenstadt Scholarship, Greenstadt Scholarship Mid-Life