Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Find Legitimate Work At Home Medical Transcription Jobs

Are you like so many work at home moms or job seekers who have tried to find legitimate work at home medical transcription jobs to no avail?

There's good news. Although being able to find this type of at home work can be difficult, legitimate companies that hire home based medical transcribers do exist. Knowing how and where to find these jobs is the key.


1. Understand medical transcription work. You'll need to accurately transcribe reports dictated by healthcare professionals. Generally, you'll use a foot pedal and headset to type the transcription into your computer. The healthcare professional will then check the transcription for accuracy before approving its contents.

2. Get medical transcription training. Whether companies hire in-house or home based medical transcription employees, most require related training, certification and experience. Since medical transcriber courses are offered through most vocational schools, community colleges and distance learning programs, many at home job seekers consider this profession as a new home-based career choice.

3. Protect yourself from work at home medical transcription scams. Remember that a legitimate work at home job will never be advertised as an "income opportunity." More importantly, a legitimate employer will always require you to fill out an employment application or submit a resume but will never ask you to pay any fees as a condition of being hired.

4. Find legitamate work at home medical transcription job listings. Such job listings could be found at MedQuist (, and TrueScribe (

5. Apply for jobs. Always apply for work at home and home based employment as you would traditional jobs. As such, complete and submit professional applications and resumes. Competition for home based jobs can be tough. Thus, getting your application and resume noticed is important.

6. Follow up. After applying, wait for about a week or so and then contact the company you applied to. Request the status of your application. This will help you to get noticed and stand out among other applicants. By doing so, it will also let the company know that you are enthusiastic and eager to fill one of its medical transcription positions.

Tags: medical transcription, work home, home based, home medical transcription, work home medical, based medical, home based medical