Friday, January 8, 2010

Ask An Embarrassing Question To My Doctor

Talking to a doctor takes courage, but he's there to help.

A doctor's office can be a very intimidating place, but it can be even more so if you have an embarrassing question that you know you're going to have to ask. You need to be able to communicate it to your doctor even if it's difficult for you. It does take courage; just remember, most doctors have heard it all before.


1. Write down your question and any others that relate to it beforehand so that they're ready for you to ask the doctor. Having a prepared list will make it easier to ask what needs to be asked when the time comes.

2. Ask the question while the doctor is still sitting down with the chart open. Don't wait until the doctor is opening the door to leave. He'll be unable to give a full answer if the appointment is essentially over.

3. Be honest with the doctor and answer all of his questions truthfully. If your embarrassing question relates to something physical that's bothering you, don't hide symptoms from him or try to minimize them. Tell him about all medications, drugs and supplements you're taking. He needs to know all the relevant facts so that he can answer your question.

4. Ask the doctor to fully explain the answer to your question without glossing over your fears and concerns because he knows how difficult the discussion is for you. On your end, don't hurry the conversation along because you want to get it over with. Take the time to absorb the information provided by your doctor. If the answer to your question results in the doctor prescribing medication or another treatment, follow all of his instructions carefully.

Tags: your question, answer your, answer your question, doctor answer, embarrassing question, your doctor