Monday, July 20, 2009

Medical Science Fair Ideas

Medical Science Fair Ideas

Sometime during their education students are asked or required to participate in a science fair. Educational fairs can be thematic, but most often science fairs allow a range of topics. Students also choose to enter categories within the fairs, such as project, research paper or media presentation. A huge amount of topics can qualify for fairs at all levels, from elementary school through high school. The medical field offers many interesting topics to choose from for a project.

Comparing Blood Pressure When Resting and During Exercise

This type of experiment requires gathering data to prove or disprove the student's initial hypothesis. The hypothesis could be that blood pressure is lower when resting, or any variation the student wants to prove. The written report explaining the experiment and the methods used would include data charts and graphs. Several study subjects would be tested, and the student needs to know take the test subjects' blood pressure. This project is middle-school appropriate.

How Does Grapefruit Effect Hypertensive Medication?

This blood pressure topic is one for high school students. It requires research into the interaction of the properties of grapefruit and various hypertension medications. It is appropriate for chemistry and biology students. Presentation of this topic can take the form of a research paper or a media presentation with a supporting paper.

Do Dogs Have More Bacteria in Their Mouths Then Humans?

In this elementary age project, students compare bacterial growth. They may need a bit of help, but they should enjoy learning more about their pets. Supplies will include swabs, petri dishes, and test subjects of both species. They will swab the inside of the subjects' mouths and see what grows. Pictures, charts and graphs on a tri-fold presentation board will make a good-looking presentation.

Effects of Antibiotics on Bacterial Growth

It is a known fact that many bacteria are becoming resistant to certain types of antibiotics. This is a very interesting and timely topic for junior high students. It would require working with bacterial growth in petri dishes and liquid forms of antibiotics. Pictures, charts and graphs are necessary additions to the paper portion of the project.

Pacemaker Safety

A scientific look at a medical device like a pacemaker, for example, makes an interesting fair project. Examining what they do and how safe they really are is a research topic for secondary students. This type of project lends itself to a research paper and/or a media presentation.

Tags: blood pressure, charts graphs, media presentation, paper media, paper media presentation, research paper, research paper media