Friday, May 13, 2011

Identify A Fake Louis Vuitton Bag

If someone tells you this bag is a real Louis Vuitton, they may be selling you a counterfeit.

There was a time when spotting a fake Louis Vuitton bag was fairly easy. The stitching was bad, the logos were cheap and one whiff of the cheap leather made it easy to spot a fake. Now that we're in the age of high-tech factories filled with sophisticated sewing machines, spotting a fake Louis Vuitton is getting harder every season. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Most counterfeit Louis Vuitton bags are sold online. On the other hand, you can get some great deals on sites like eBay and Craigslist. How do you avoid buying a fake Louis Vuitton? Do your research: Match up the seller's Louis Vuitton bag with Louis Vuitton's website--see if the seller's bag was ever even made by Louis Vuitton. Very often, a counterfeit Louis Vuitton will just be a plain bag with the Louis Vuitton logo sewn on.

2. The Stitching. Ah, the Louis Vuitton stitching--probably one of its most obvious identifiers. An authentic Louis Vuitton bag's stitching will be exactly even, straight and exactly the same as every other stitch on the bag. If you can, run your finger over the stitching... is it smooth and even or coarse and bumpy? If it's the latter, you're holding a fake.

3. The Louis Vuitton Logo. Sussing out the Louis Vuitton logo takes a bit more work, but once you know what to look out for, it's easy to spot a fake. First, the logo will be symmetrical on the bag itself, never off center or just thrown on. Of course, all Louis Vuitton bags are made from one piece of material so one side of a bag will will have upside-down logos (don't necessarily mistake this for a fake). A fake will have unaligned logos all over the bag.

4. The Louis Vuitton Sale and Discount. Um, Louis Vuitton does not EVER have sales or discounts. If you're buying a Louis Vuitton on sale from a retailer, it's fake. That said, Louis Vuitton does not have outlet stores. Same with irregulars or factory seconds.

5. The Zippers and Pulls. All zippers and pulls will be brass and heavy to the touch, and they're all monogrammed with the famous LV logo. If not, it's a fake.

6. Finally, if you're buying a Louis Vuitton bag, and it's less than $300, IT'S A FAKE. RUN AWAY.

Tags: Louis Vuitton, fake Louis, fake Louis Vuitton, buying Louis, buying Louis Vuitton