Friday, July 16, 2010

Check A Neck For Signs Of Thyroid Disease

Check a Neck for Signs of Thyroid Disease

The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck, plays an important role in metabolism and hormone production that influences almost every body function. Normally, the thyroid goes unnoticed in the front of the neck. Enlargement of this gland may be an early sign of problems. If you know what to look for, you can check yourself for signs of thyroid disease.


1. Locate your thyroid gland in the front of your neck. It is right below the Adam's apple and above the collarbone. If you feel the soft indenture in your neck below the Adam's apple and move your fingers up a little until you feel a more solid area, you are in the right place. Now that you are familiar with the location of the thyroid gland, give yourself a quick exam.

2. Hold a mirror in front of your neck, focusing on the thyroid, and tilt you head back slightly. Don't tilt back too far, or it will flatten out and won't be as visible.

3. Take a drink of water and swallow while watching your neck in the mirror. You may have to try this several times to be sure you are looking in the right spot. The Adam's apple will move up and down. As you tighten your neck muscles to swallow, you should see any enlargement or nodules involving the thyroid.

4. Notify your doctor if you notice any enlargement or lumps when you check your neck for signs of thyroid disease.

Tags: your neck, Adam apple, below Adam, below Adam apple, Check Neck