Thursday, May 28, 2009

Breast Reconstruction Recovery Time

Breast reconstructive surgery is a procedure used to correct the breasts or remove them.

Following your breast reconstruction surgery, you will be given information on care for your scars, take your medication and aid in the healing process. You will also be informed of what to expect directly following the procedure.


The process of recovery after breast reconstruction surgery takes around six weeks. This recovery process may be prolonged if additional procedures are required, such as nipple reconstruction, or an additional breast reconstructive procedure.

Weeks After the Procedure

For the first five days you will remain in the hospital following surgery. You may experience pain and discomfort for several weeks after the procedure.You will be asked to refrain from all forms of strenuous activities at this point.

First Few Months

The bulk of the pain and discomfort experienced within the first six weeks of healing will have subsided by now. This is the time where many women must mentally adjust to their breast looking different. If you find that this stage is becoming difficult for you to handle, speak to your physician.


After the reconstructive surgery, you can expect to have scaring in one or more of the following areas: breasts, nipples, abdomen, navel, back or buttocks. You will be given a cream, ointment or gel such as Mederma topical gel, or Pro-sil scar reduction gel to put on the scars to reduce their appearance over time. These products may also be available over the counter. Your physician will suggest the best options for you.


It is important to remember to go to your followup appointments--this will ensure you have the best possible healing process. It will also show any early signs of infection, which can then be cleared up before it becomes a problem.

Tags: breast reconstruction, breast reconstruction surgery, healing process, healing process will, pain discomfort, process will, process will also