Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Augmentative Communication Tools

Some devices transform telephones into speech-to-text translators.

Verbal communication is a common form of sharing your thoughts, but a large population of people are not able to communicate by speaking their words. They depend on augmentative communication tools and various devices to assist with communication. Some devices are electronic and use a touch pad, while others are triggered by motion. Whatever your disability, find a communication device to suit your needs.

Communication Boards

Communication boards are easy-to-use tools for people with disabilities. These can be simple, like a dry erase board or small chalk board. For people unable to write, use a large piece of cardboard with pictures or stickers or a felt board with removable felt letters, words or objects. Activate electronic boards by touch or gaze. These often have removable subject pages to enhance your user experience and ease your exertion.

Speech-to-Text Communicators

Communicating in an audio world is difficult when you can't hear. It is not always feasible to have an interpreter with you, nor does everyone know sign language, so the communication barrier is great. To make everyday communication a little easier, use a speech-to-text communicator. These come in various designs and capacities. Some are the size of a laptop computer, while others are handheld. Download programs onto your personal computer and buy software to enhance programs you already use. These programs work by hearing a spoken word and then translating it to text on the screen. You type in your response so it is displayed or translated into spoken words. Some of these devices hook up to your phone system, while others are meant to travel with you.


Encoding allows a person to choose from prerecorded messages or words. Someone speaks the word or phrase into a microphone. The device records it and you can play it back to suit your needs. Some encoding devices allow you to string together words and phrases, while others have single-use ability. Some people keep several encoders with them when they go into the community, but have specific ones for home, school and work. Customize them for frequent settings and have a general one for day-to-day contact.

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids come in various sizes and designs. They even have different capabilities. Some of them amplify all sounds, while others are able to pinpoint specific sounds, like those coming from speakers. Some are designed to muffle background noises and others work with directional intention, like turning your head so the device on your ear faces the sound you want to hear.

Tags: while others, come various, Some devices, suit your, suit your needs